In the heart of Kibera Slums, in Nairobi, resides “Ronnie”, a bright and needy 14-year old boy with a burning dream. The third-born in a family of five children, Ronnie’s family occupies a tin-sheet single-room house within Kibera slums. Ronnie’s parents were forced to relocate from one part of Kibera to another due to demolitions in their previous neighborhood. Now they have no running water or sanitation and live perilously close to a dam so that the threat of floods during heavy rains looms over them and their neighbors. Ronnie’s family faces financial constraints. His father, who engages in casual labor as a hawker and is part-time volunteer leader of a small church, shoulders much of the family’s responsibilities. Ronnie’s mother, once a hairdresser, is now unable to work or perform heavy household duties due to a long-term back injury.
Ronnie’s educational journey is marked by success. A consistent all-round top learner ever since preschool, his excellent performance in the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams rendered him top of his former primary school and of the entire Ward in Kibera by obtaining a total of 396 marks out of a possible 500 marks!
This achievement gained him admission to Mbita High School (National School), but his dreams were in danger of being cut short due to lack of funds to pay the high school fees for his education. IDAK came in just on time to inspire, rekindle and journey with Ronnie’s dream of becoming a medical doctor.
I want to study hard and promise to do my best to become a medical doctor to help the vulnerable and to get to cure people with complications and backaches like my mother” he recently shared with the IDAK founder. He added “I am very grateful for this privilege that IDAK has given me to realize my dreams which were almost shut after passing the primary certificate and lacked school fees to join a school of my choice. I will never forget and not disappoint. God bless you”.
Since enrolling at his high school, he has consistently maintained outstanding grades, assumed leadership as the class prefect and is an active member of the Christian Union.
Raised in a devout Christian family, Ronnie embodies a strong sense of faith, a calm demeanor that complements his passion for interacting with people and his love for reading during his free time. His interests reflect his well-rounded personality, combining a friendly disposition with a thirst for knowledge. Ronnie’s artistic talents shine through, evident in his achievement certificates earned during his primary school years and recognized by external organizations. His artistic prowess adds another layer to his impressive profile.
What more can I say other than pray that the LORD will provide and keep IDAK to carry on giving hope to the hopeless and making those shuttered dreams to be rebuilt…Indeed, we were uncertain of where the school fees for Ronnie would come from for we were completely unable and we had given up, but here we are, Ronnie has been granted full scholarship. May the Almighty God bless you, IDAK and supporters. (Ronnie’s father)
Ronnie’s story is a testament to his unwavering spirit, faith, and various talents. He has the potential to excel academically and artistically, but financial constraints and family challenges threaten to impede his journey. It is our collective responsibility to rally around him by ensuring that he continues to thrive and inspire others in his community. With support and encouragement, Ronnie can realize his dreams and make a meaningful impact on society.